Sunday, November 16, 2008

fat of the land (broken hoof)

the picture above was taken while i was at the party.

apparently after i left the picture below was taken:

she broke her foot.

i wonder how tho?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

fat of the land (kind scared)

i dont know what kind of intro this picture needs... here it is:

it is kind of creepy how none of the guys' faces are visible.

however, i do like the fact that they have a wide selection of beers available.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

fat of the land (big sexy)

the mohawk,
the muscles,
the "mood":

his profile was set to private so i couldn't get any more information on this guy,

but i think this screen-shot shows enough to know he's got to be one great catch!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

fat of the land (short bangs)

follow the link to view more of this.

it'll be worth it, promise.

brought to you by susette.

Monday, October 20, 2008

fat of the land (all in the family)

neither drunk, stupid or embarrassing; 

here is a picture of a sweet family from bound brook, NJ:

we could all stand to learn a bunch from these lil' critters.

fat of the land (newborn baby man)

so, this one night, i got drunk and had a really good time and gave birth to a beautiful bald man:

dude looks like he is hardly having fun.

maybe it is her time of the month.


he is doing it (at least) one-handed, which is very commendable.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

fat of the land (blade-budz)

what kind of stuff do you and your best buddy do on the weekend?

"hit up the knife flea-market down rt. 519"

dude's hat is awesome. look at all those pins he's got!

i bet they are genuinely having a good time.

check out that smile. all teeth!

there can be only One.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

fat of the land (pickle-puss)

deep in the heart of the Poconos, PA:

something is either about to be done, or just happened/passed.

something naughty, maybe.

girl is happy to be there.

right guy is drunk and even happier to be there.

left guy is upset photographs are being taken at the gangbang, but is still happy to be there.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

fat of the land (about to spill)

'about to spill' in more ways than one.

direct from a friend in california, we find this gem:

"dude, i know, i know. she's a babe

but i think she is about to puke"

"oh, and p.s., i have a little eyeshadow on in case you didn't notice at first."

Monday, September 15, 2008

fat of the land(our college career)

forreal, halloween parties give me about 40% of the material that i use on this site:

and today is not an exception.

what is going to happen when moms start getting onto facebook?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

fed on fat (bun in the oven)

whilst browsing a friends party photos on facebook i found this pair of cuties:

and i was like,


"that's a babe!"

after clicking her name (which brings up her profile for the non-facebookers), this picture [which i took a screen-shot of] came up:

pregnant, myspace-style mirror shots.

gotta love it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

fat of the land (get inked)

a day late,

but surely not lacking in quality:

"hey, its the end of the summer and i still haven't gotten my new tattoo."

"o yea, check out my pillow, too"

Sunday, August 24, 2008

fat of the land (funny bunny)

the look in those eyes,

it says, "predator, not prey":

halloweenie parties are fantastic,

and so is the fact that she is crushing a plastic cup with a bench vise.

that she is wearing this outfit in a basement makes it all the better.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

fat of the land (we just got here!)

these guys hardly drank any of their first beer:

must be good stuff.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

fat of the land (fun at the park)

they took pictures on their way across country:

what i like about this picture is that they stood behind the sign.

somehow that is funny.

it just is.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

fed on fat (you three + me)

halloween in new brunswick, new jersey:

"you ladies will not be going home with me tonight,

though i'd love it if you lowered your standards for just one night"

body language is all pointing away from the guy.

actually, maybe this wasn't on halloween.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

fed on fat (alma mater)

at a tail-gate gathering in piscatway, new jersey:

rutgers, rutgers, rah rah rutgers!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

fat of the land(who is need grammr anywayz?)

screen-shot from myspace ad:

need degree, but cant quit job?

come work for caveman.

make lot of good moneys for all family.

let make nice salary this week so can go vacation time. good monday!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

fed on fat (summertime)

gimme beerz.

gimme meats.

gimme text.

where's the pool?

happy monday!

oh, p.s.: hold my forty as i send this txt.

Monday, July 7, 2008

fat of the land (these ones are mine)

talk about hoarding the babes:

+ check out his creepy, rape-style face.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

fed on fat (kinda pathetic rocker)

on a band's website i found this:

"please, please, please come to our show in my friend's living room"

not sure what they would be promoting;

the fact that he can actually hold a guitar?

people like them?

they have a couple of fans?


the wall-leaning fan looks like she's giving the em/pathetic grimace of being uncomfortable.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

fat of the land (sleeping beauty)

another myspace screen-shot.

this one comes from an old high school acquaintance's page.

does it even need any help at being funny?

i think the caption creates enough ironic humor for us to just leave this one as it is.


(if you do not get the irony, here it is: because she's fat, and slept all vacation. that is funny for us skinny people. because she is fat)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

fat of the land (big gunz)

"yo, brah, since i'm in an elevator, this seems like a perfect time to show off my swarovski crystal encrusted cell phone, yo"

the weather where i live is getting warmer.

summer is here.

appreciate and enjoy it.

"they're the same kinda crystals paris hilton has on her phone, yo"

Monday, May 26, 2008

fat of the land (see you later)

this vacation themed post is prompted by our american memorial day.

for those of you who work: only a four day week!

if you're planning a trip, be careful who you chose as a travel buddy.

here is a screen-shot from myspace.

they are going together, but he may be the only one coming back alive.

enjoy the shortened work-week.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

fat of the land (pork chop shot)

oh, snap!

it is the beginning of the week and i almost forgot my post.

mmmmm, meaty mondays.

this one is different, in the sense that neither of the people appear to be drunk or possessed. however, the fact that they are smiling about sharing a pork chop between each their mouths is kind of terrific.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

fat of the land (crotch hugs)

the one looks like he has some current issues with his sexuality. he also looks like there is a demon working it's way out of his body.

the other has his face really close to a penis.

have a good work week.

Monday, May 5, 2008

fat of the land (hedgehog boy)

a facebook gem.

something about his teeth and the looks in both of their eyes.

Monday, April 28, 2008

fat of the land (babes in an outhouse)

people act differently at different times, we know that. what i would like to expose with this weekly post is this other side, what i'm going to call 'the fat of the land'. now after months of searching social networking sites i have come up with an archive of fools: this series of pictures share something, somehow in common with each other. now every monday morning, before you start off on your work week, you can have a laugh at these peoples' expense.
happy mondaze.