Sunday, August 24, 2008

fat of the land (funny bunny)

the look in those eyes,

it says, "predator, not prey":

halloweenie parties are fantastic,

and so is the fact that she is crushing a plastic cup with a bench vise.

that she is wearing this outfit in a basement makes it all the better.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

fat of the land (we just got here!)

these guys hardly drank any of their first beer:

must be good stuff.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

fat of the land (fun at the park)

they took pictures on their way across country:

what i like about this picture is that they stood behind the sign.

somehow that is funny.

it just is.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

fed on fat (you three + me)

halloween in new brunswick, new jersey:

"you ladies will not be going home with me tonight,

though i'd love it if you lowered your standards for just one night"

body language is all pointing away from the guy.

actually, maybe this wasn't on halloween.