Sunday, September 28, 2008

fat of the land (pickle-puss)

deep in the heart of the Poconos, PA:

something is either about to be done, or just happened/passed.

something naughty, maybe.

girl is happy to be there.

right guy is drunk and even happier to be there.

left guy is upset photographs are being taken at the gangbang, but is still happy to be there.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

fat of the land (about to spill)

'about to spill' in more ways than one.

direct from a friend in california, we find this gem:

"dude, i know, i know. she's a babe

but i think she is about to puke"

"oh, and p.s., i have a little eyeshadow on in case you didn't notice at first."

Monday, September 15, 2008

fat of the land(our college career)

forreal, halloween parties give me about 40% of the material that i use on this site:

and today is not an exception.

what is going to happen when moms start getting onto facebook?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

fed on fat (bun in the oven)

whilst browsing a friends party photos on facebook i found this pair of cuties:

and i was like,


"that's a babe!"

after clicking her name (which brings up her profile for the non-facebookers), this picture [which i took a screen-shot of] came up:

pregnant, myspace-style mirror shots.

gotta love it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

fat of the land (get inked)

a day late,

but surely not lacking in quality:

"hey, its the end of the summer and i still haven't gotten my new tattoo."

"o yea, check out my pillow, too"