Monday, May 26, 2008

fat of the land (see you later)

this vacation themed post is prompted by our american memorial day.

for those of you who work: only a four day week!

if you're planning a trip, be careful who you chose as a travel buddy.

here is a screen-shot from myspace.

they are going together, but he may be the only one coming back alive.

enjoy the shortened work-week.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

fat of the land (pork chop shot)

oh, snap!

it is the beginning of the week and i almost forgot my post.

mmmmm, meaty mondays.

this one is different, in the sense that neither of the people appear to be drunk or possessed. however, the fact that they are smiling about sharing a pork chop between each their mouths is kind of terrific.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

fat of the land (crotch hugs)

the one looks like he has some current issues with his sexuality. he also looks like there is a demon working it's way out of his body.

the other has his face really close to a penis.

have a good work week.

Monday, May 5, 2008

fat of the land (hedgehog boy)

a facebook gem.

something about his teeth and the looks in both of their eyes.